Hi Arnold. My name is Ciara, I'm Irish-Australian and I have been living in Lebanon for the past decade.

I would like to offer empirical evidence towards the Arnold Rosen Life Experience Fellowship. I fear that in the age of polarisation, fear and technology we have lost the ability to humanise and really connect to one another.

In this beautiful country I have learned hospitality, unmatched even in my green homeland. I have learned humour, even in the face of injustice. I have seen beauty - in nature and in man-made details, that have made me stop in my tracks.

I will take what the Lebanese have taught me and kindly offer you an intellectual challenge. After all, thinking along the same story lines, the one that your body has walked your whole life, would not sum up to a true moment of intellectual reflection. Its the ability to see the world in different light that has catapulted humanity, even in the darkest times. In a moment where the world is most challenged, and voices of hate around the world amplify, could you find 3 from the 'other side' and sit down for a true conversation? And listen. Really listen to what they say and see a world that you have not walked, people you did not have the chance to meet, stories you would never have sat in rooms to hear. A life full of human experiences that can somehow become part of who you are. Can you also push past your initial reaction to dismiss me on Arab Street?

Would these conversations stop the cycle of nonsensical violence endured by people across many communities? Not now, no. But you could serve as an example of understanding, the more challenging option to rise towards. A life we can all be proud to live. A worthy challenge to pass on to the future.

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