I remember when you had your paper route and, thinking if I got a route like you, I would soon be rolling in dough. I called the Times Herald and was told, "All the slots are filled, but call back next week. Someone always quits." I figured there must be a good reason for the turnover, and never called back. But as you continued with your route, my respect for you continued to grow. (and continues to grow.)

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So many memories, most of which are similar to yours.

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Hey, Dr. Rosen, thanks for writing about your trip down Memory Lane, that is far afield of where your paper route really was, but I was older than you in summer '56. That was my first trip to France, and the coquelicots bloomed in the fields near Grenoble and I explored the wonders of French bread, cafe-au-lait, the past subjunctive of acquerir, and met all my neighbors (boys and girls) in our wonderful maison des etudiants, named after Louis Pasteur -- hence, scientific exploration. I remember no (external) heat wave. I came back, a different me, to start medical school back at home in the fall.

Plus ca change, plus, c'est la meme chose but in France, all the food, not just pizza, must have better than in Texas. I am still not a pessimist, not even a cynic. I am a Jew, so my history might push me in the direction of pessimism and cannot permit me to be an optimist.....but I can still bring hope to all situations. That is the Jewish gift.....ha tikvah.

And let's remember that back in Europe, 1940, just 16 years before summer '56, the Jewish pessimists went to Palestine and the optimists, to Auschwitz!

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